IM7 Consulting coaches the Leaders in the Banking and Insurance sectors, to tackle their current and future challenges IM7 Consulting contributes as an independent expert for strategy consulting firms for banks and insurance In the context of business model disruption, transformation of your organisation, inflation of regulation, IM7 Consulting assists you in facing those major challenges. You need to reinforce the efficiency of your risk and compliance functions, to secure the relationship with the Supervisor, to adapt your organisation and your governance to face these major challenges : as a previous executive director of the BPCE Group, I offer you my expertise and 29 years of experience to succeed in those key moments. Contact me on, Partnering the Leader. Isabelle Maury, Founder of IM7 CONSULTING, assists Business Leaders by offering her expertise and her 30 years of experience. Career Path: Isabelle Maury began her career in 1992 at Deloitte as a senior auditor in the Banks and Financial Institutions department. Then, she joined the banking sector and held several operational job positions in the investment banking sector for twelve years: In 1995, she headed up the supervision of risks and results for Asia and London in Credit Lyonnais’ Equity department. Isabelle moved to Société Générale in 1998, and in 2000 was appointed deputy head of Middle-Office Fixed Income at SG Corporate & Investment Banking’s Debt and Financing department, before being appointed in 2002 as global head of audit of market activities covering seven international offices. In 2004, she joined Natexis Banques Populaires (which became Natixis in November 2006), serving successively as head of Middle-Office’s Capital Markets’ activities and deputy head of the Middle-Office of the Wholesale Banking Financing and Capital Markets division. In 2007, she became Chief Risk Officer for Groupe Banque Populaire and a member of the Management Board Committee. Then, she was promoted to Chief Risk Officer and member of the Executive Committee of BPCE Group in 2009. She joined Natixis ‘ Executive Committee in 2015 and became Chief Compliance Officer. In 2017, facing the inflating regulatory context and the transformation of the banking and insurance sectors, Isabelle founded IM7 Consulting to assist Leaders in tackling their current and future challenges. She is also leading a training session on banking governance for the French Institute of Board Members. She is an independant non-executive director for two banks, directly supervised by the ECB, member of the risk committee and chair of the audit committee. Isabelle Maury graduated from ESSEC, one of France’s top business schools, and has a graduate degree in Banking and Finance and a post-graduate degree in Applied Economic Modelling and Management from the University of Nanterre (Paris X). Testimony: These 30 years of professional experience in investment banking and universal banking have given me three core skillsets: Strong expertise: global risk management, internal and external audit, risks and results control in market activities, permanent control, IT/business projects management, business continuity, IT security, transforming regulation projects management, financial crisis management, strategic planning, lobbying in regulation. During this career path, I have developed a long-term trust-based relationship with supervisory authorities. I have dedicated myself to making regulated functions partners of the business to facilitate and secure business development. Key skills : Lead strategic and transformation projects Experiences: Independant Non-executive Director for a european bank, directly supervised by the ECB (2019), chair of the audit committee and member of the risk committee IM7 Consulting coaches the Leaders in the Banking and Insurance sectors, to tackle their current challenges You have been appointed as CEO or Managing Director and you define your strategy IM7 Consulting facilitates your acquisition of risk management, audit, compliance, governance knowledges necessary to carry out your executive responsibilities. You wish to build a trust-based relationship with the supervision authorities IM7 Consulting gives you the keys to enhance your relationship with Supervisors (ACPR, BCE) and coaches your team to manage softly and securely the on-site controls performed by the Supervisory authority. You want to optimize your organisation or you manage a merger IM7 Consulting gives you advice to optimize roles and missions of regulatory functions, risk management, compliance, and internal control, with a fluid governance and decision-making process. You wish to challenge your governance bodies set-up and to facilitate the role of your board members IM7 Consulting assesses your governance practices, identifies your board members’ expectations, and offers, if needed, personalised support. IM7 provides its expertise to big strategy consulting firms responding to challenges in regulated functions area for banks and insurance companies Refound operational processes in audit, risk management and compliance Assess operational processes that could benefit from new technologies, adapt the process organisation and dedicate human forces to value-added tasks. Cost optimisation in regulated functions risk & compliance Achieve operational excellence by delivering a high level of quality of services and in the meantime optimising the means employed, in accordance with applicable regulations. Contributing significantly to complex projects and assisting interaction with the Management Board Challenging the added value to clients’ needs, either in terms of business expertise in solving complex situations or know-how for interaction with the executive committee, the management board or the board of directors. Organisation of risk management and compliance in an industrial environment Provide and adapt the know-how of a regulated sector to industrial sectors which need to enhance their risk management and compliance functions. IM7 provides its expertise to big strategy consulting firms responding to challenges in regulated functions area for banks and insurance companies Cost optimisation in regulated functions risk & compliance Achieve operational excellence by delivering a high level of quality of services and in the meantime optimising the means employed, in accordance with applicable regulations. Contributing significantly to complex projects and assisting interaction with the Management Board Challenging the added value to clients’ needs, either in terms of business expertise in solving complex situations or know-how for interaction with the executive committee, the management board or the board of directors. Refound operational processes in audit, risk management and compliance Assess operational processes that could benefit from new technologies, adapt the process organisation and dedicate human forces to value-added tasks. Organisation of risk management and compliance in an industrial environment Provide and adapt the know-how of a regulated sector to industrial sectors which need to enhance their risk management and compliance functions. « Clarity, finesse, intelligence and humour: with Isabelle Maury I learned all the more and better because she knows how to make austere subjects lively and intelligible. Her intervention was truly fundamental in my career as an independent director of EBI SA. Although it took place entirely virtually because of the VIDOC pandemic, the training was extremely instructive, alert and very enjoyable to follow. » IM7 Consulting has designed a tailor-made support package for the newly appointed independent director of EBI SA’s Board of Directors. In the context of the current pandemic, this training was delivered by distance learning. In line with regulatory requirements, this course covered the areas of the evaluation and effectiveness of institution’s governance, internal control, risk management, legal and regulatory requirements applicable to an institution, banking and financial markets and the strategic planning of a credit institution. “With the help of IM7 Consulting we were able to validate precisely some key points of our investment thesis in MCS. Isabelle has shown great professionalism and a precious ability to listen, which has enabled us to move forward quickly and efficiently, and our interactions have always been very pleasant”. IM7 Consulting carried out a strategic consulting mission with BC Partners for the acquisition of the MCS group, a major player in the acquisition and collection of bank debt in France. “At the end of a complete Information System change operation, it was essential to redefine and rewrite the entire procedural corpus of the company. This large-scale operation was carried out on schedule thanks to the efficient support of IM7 Consulting and the unfailing involvement of Isabelle who, with professionalism and determination, was able to unite the company’s teams around this project”. IM7 Consulting assisted Crédit Coopératif in its post-IT migration phase to completely overhaul its procedural corpus for all its activities. “Isabelle Maury, with her long experience as a bank manager, presented the rules, regulations etc… applying to the bank in a particularly lively and therefore effective way: – by sharing, in a lively and illustrated way, her personal experience as a banker having had to manage all these new constraints… – leaving enough space and time for participants not only to ask all their questions … but also to exchange views with each other on these delicate issues of bank governance. » IM7 Consulting has designed and led a tailor-made training course for the directors representing Auchan Holding and the managers of ONEY BANK, after the merger with Groupe BPCE, in the fields of governance, internal control, regulatory requirements and the themes discussed in bank board meetings. One of the main objectives was to familiarize the management team of Oney, a relatively small bank, with the constraints of governance, regulations, etc… applicable to a large international bank such as BPCE. Thanks to Isabelle Maury, a complex and austere subject became understandable and, above all, fascinating. Thanks to her intelligent approach to the subject, her clarity and her solid experience, I feel ready for my new mandates, and I know I can count on her to continue to support me if need be. IM7 Consulting designed a tailor-made coaching session for the newly-appointed independent director on the board of directors of a Swiss private bank. The session consisted in deciphering and identifying risks by reading a bank’s balance sheet and income statement, understanding recent changes in banking regulations, mastering the main prudential ratios and then explaining FINMA’s vision of risk, putting the new mandate into perspective. The specialized press talks about IM7 Consulting! Contact information contact(@)im7.consultingIM7 Consulting, Partnering the Leader, enhancing your performance
Advisor to the Leaders
Independant Expert
IM7 Consulting, Partnering the Leader
Isabelle Maury, CEO
After beginning her career as an auditor within Deloitte, she held several operational positions for three major banking groups, both in investment banking and universal banking.
She became an executive during the last ten years, responsible for governance, risk management, compliance, regulatory program management, and for relationships with Supervisory and Regulatory Authorities, within the Executive Committee of BPCE, the second largest banking group in France.
Corporate Governance practice in a decentralised group, composed of forty different companies, interacting with the shareholders, the Supervisory Board, the Management Board and the Executive Committee, as well as participating as a member of audit and risk committees and a speaker at the board level, also being a board member of a US-based insurance company.
Management and Leadership in a multi-cultural environment in France and internationally, coaching talents, leading transformation projects and mergers. Passionate about management and a people person, striving for efficient and harmonious performance collectively, I take action to enhance skills.
Negotiate and convince, combining both business and regulatory concerns
Drive change in complex environments
Secure the relationship with regulatory authorities and facilitate a controlled development
Design and implement governance rules in a decentralised group
Lead, unify, develop international teams with diversified skills and promote a common culture
Coach board members reinforcing their skills
Independant Non-executive Director for two vehicules of a european bank directly supervised by the ECB (2021), chair of the audit committee
Advisory to the Leaders (2017)
Trainer for the Corporate Director Certificate at Sciences Po-IFA (2018)
Trainer in Corporate Governance at Sciences Po (2019)
Member of the Executive Committees of BPCE and Natixis (2007 – 2016)
Member of audit and risk committees of BPCE Group (2007 – 2015)
Member of a Board of a US-based insurance company (2008 – 2009)
Operational functions and global audit for investment banks ( 1995 – 2006) : Crédit Lyonnais, Société Générale, Natixis.IM7 Consulting, Partnering the Leader, enhancing your performance
IM7 Consulting assists you in making your regulatory functions support your strategy, and transforming regulatory constraints into business opportunities.
IM7 Consulting assists you in your transformation following the merger.Independent Expert for strategy consulting firms
Independent Expert for strategy consulting firms
They Trust IM7 Consulting
Independant director
Deputy CEO
Administrator Oney Bank, General Secretary Auchan Holding
Independant director
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